Category: Music Creation

  • Okay, Put Your Phones On Man… (Part Two)

    Okay, Put Your Phones On Man… (Part Two)

    Image Credit: “headphone graffiti!” by demcanulty is licensed under CC BY 2.0. You can find Part One here. We left off last time with some basic terminology and topology about headphones and introduced Harman Curves for calibrating your headphones to better match the response of ‘the average listener’. However, we need to talk about one other thing you’ll…

  • Okay, Put Your Phones on Man… (Part One)

    Okay, Put Your Phones on Man… (Part One)

    Image Credit: “Sony Headphones” by Hugo y Charli is licensed under CC BY 2.0. If you didn’t get the reference for the title, go here. There is a lot of info to unpack here so I’m going to break this up into two posts. This part focuses on headphone terminology, the issues with using headphones for creation and…