Category: The New Shiny-Shiny

  • Goodbye Josephine, Hello Benson (with bonus MaG3)

    Goodbye Josephine, Hello Benson (with bonus MaG3)

    Image is the state of APITElabs in late 2023 – it’s much, much messier as I write this… 🙂 With #marchintosh under way, this is one of those ‘What I did over the Holidaze®’ as well as a ‘The New Shiny-Shiny’ post. We had a longer than usual break at EduCorp® this year, so I…

  • Welcome to SonicWasteland

    Welcome to SonicWasteland

    Image credit: “Yes, We Are Open” by Matthew Paul Argall is licensed under CC BY 2.0. After a long (and I mean long) weekend of seemingly endless design refreshes and struggles with figuring out the ‘New Shiny-Shiny’ of WordPress site design (both the ‘old skool’ method and the newest ‘Blocks’ mode), I finally have the new site ready…